So, What Is Wellness?

A Breathwork & Meditation Class At Sol Sanctum Studio

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, wellness is “the state of being healthy, especially when it is something that you actively try to achieve”.

The online dictionary gives two examples that almost encapsulate the motivation behind Sol Sanctum Wellness Hotel & Studio in Saint Lucia:

“Yoga is said to promote the wellness of the mind and body” and “Employers who emphasize worker wellness get a healthy return on their investment.”

The global zeitgeist in post-pandemic 2022 is Wellness with a capital W, as humans across the world have begun to realise the toll taken on their mental health by the unprecedented shutdown of normal life because of a virulent virus.

More than 500 million humans have had Covid-19, and their individual and collective return to Wellness has proven to be a convoluted path. The other 7 billion or so may have dodged the coronavirus-shaped bullet, but many are still struggling with the resulting depression, social anxiety and other mental health conditions.

Now the worry of massive inflation and another economic recession looms large in every country on the planet, offering no respite from the pressures that can cause ‘unwellness’ of mind, body and spirit.

So, what in the world is Wellness, and why is it so important?

Sol Sanctum Garden

Sol Sanctum Wellness Hotel & Studio: Restore Your Mind, Body & Soul

The Global Wellness Institute quotes the value of global wellness industry, including spiritual self-care, as having grown to $4 trillion since 2017. This growth has been twice as fast as the growth of the global economy!

On the other hand, over the past half century, the diet industry has evolved into a $60 billion per year industry with a 95% failure rate. That represents 50 years outrageous promises and fad diets .

As often happens with capitalism, corporations have made a killing, selling products (and dreams) that have zero evidence of being effective in the long term, yet millions of overweight humans continue to shell out those dollars in the hope of losing their excess pounds “for good this time.”

Now the global demand for ‘Wellness’ is off the charts, so how do we navigate our personal path through the increasing number of options being supplied for that demand, and settle on an effective strategy?

Yoga at Sol Sanctum Studio is a great start towards your personal Wellness

Here at Sol Sanctum Studio, we have one piece of advice: Open your mind and give ‘Wellness’ a go!

Whether it’s your first Yoga or Pilates class, an introduction to Meditation or an individual energy treatment, there’s never a better time to start than now, and your body, mind and spirit will thank you.

Call us on 572 2727 or email and let us help you start your journey to Wellness.


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